Regular Expense Tab of Intercompany Billing Setup

Use the Regular Expense tab to set up an approach involving the transfer of regular expense cost and, optionally, the associated revenue, back to the target company, when Intercompany Billing is run for all companies in your enterprise.


Field Description
Reclass Intercompany Suspense as Receivable/Payable only

Select this option to move regular expense amounts from a company's Intercompany Suspense account to its Intercompany Accounts Payable or Intercompany Accounts Receivable account, when Intercompany Billing is run.

  • Selecting this option disables the other two options on this tab.

  • If you leave this option cleared, you must select at least one of the other options.

Transfer cost to originating Company

Select this option to have DPS transfer the regular expense from the target company to the originating company, when Intercompany Billing is run.

The transfer clears out the originating company's Intercompany Suspense account and reverses the target company's regular expense.

This option is enabled only if Reclass Intercompany Suspense as Receivable/Payable only is not selected.

Create Journal Entry

Select this option if you want DPS to create a journal entry in the amount of the markup when Intercompany Billing is run. The markup is based on the transfer price defined by the applicable Rate Method and Multiplier fields. DPS posts the journal entry to the following:

  • The credit account specified for the company posting the transaction.

  • The debit account specified for the project's company.

When you select Create Journal Entry, fields in the Journal Entry Information grid and the Journal Entry Override grid are enabled so you can provide information DPS uses to create the journal entries.

This option is enabled only if Reclass Intercompany Suspense as Receivable/Payable only is not selected.

Journal Entry Information Grid

Field Description
Journal Entry Information drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Company This column displays the name of the company for which you are entering journal entry information. The grid contains a row for each company in your enterprise. DPS uses information from different rows to create journal entries between originating and target companies.
Transfer To Debit Account Click and select the account you want DPS to debit when it transfers a regular expense from the target company to the originating company.
Transfer From Credit Account Click and select the account you want DPS to credit when it transfers a regular expense from the target company to the originating company.
Journal Entry Credit Account If you selected Create Journal Entry, click , and select the account to receive the credit entry when this company is the company that posted the expense (the originating company).
Journal Entry Debit Account If you selected Create Journal Entry, click , and select the account to receive the debit entry when this company is the project's company (the target company).
Rate Method

If you selected Create Journal Entry, select one of the following rate methods for the company:

  • Multiplier — Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for regular expenses based on cost and a cost multiplier.

  • Billing Terms — Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for regular expenses based on the project's billing terms. If no billing terms exist for the project, DPS uses the reporting default billing terms specified in Billing Configuration. Specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rate defined in the billing terms.

  • By Account — Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for regular expenses based on an expense account billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table.You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

  • By Category — Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for regular expenses based on an expense category billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table.You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

  • By Vendor — Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for regular expenses based on an expense by vendor code billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table.You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

If you want to use a different rate method for transactions between specific companies, you can specify that method in the Journal Entry Override grid. You can also override this global rate method for a specific project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Projects hub.

Rate Table

If you selected By Account, By Category, or By Vendor in Rate Method, select the expense account, expense category, or expense by vendor table in this field.

Note that if the user configuring intercompany billing has not been given access to all billing rate tables in role security, only the rate tables to which their role has access are available for selection.


If you selected Create Journal Entry, enter the default global multiplier for the company. You can apply a multiplier regardless of the rate method you select. Enter 1.00 if you do not want to apply a multiplier.

Note that a 0.00 multiplier means that the cost or billing amount will be multiplied by 0.

If you want to use different global multipliers for transactions between specific companies, you can specify those multipliers in the Journal Entry Override grid. You can also override this global multiplier for a specific project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Projects hub. In addition, if you select Multiplier or one of the rate table methods in Rate Method, you can override this multiplier at the organization level on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Individual Organization Setup form.

Journal Entry Override Grid

Field Description
Journal Entry Override drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to enter a new row of journal entry override information.
Copy To create a new row of journal entry override information by copying an existing row, select the existing row and click this option.
Delete To delete a row, select the row and click this option.
Target Company

If you want to enter override rate information for a pair of companies, select the company that will receive the intercompany billing.

If you also want to enter override information for this company as the originating company and the company in Originating Company as the target company, insert another row in the grid and enter that information.

Originating Company Select the company that will bill the target company for the expense. For non-labor charges, this is the company that posted the expense.
Rate Method

Select one of the following rate methods for these companies:

  • Multiplier — Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on cost and a cost multiplier.

  • Rate Table— Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table.You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

  • By Category— Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor category table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table.You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

  • By Labor Code— Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor code table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table. (If DPS is not configured to use labor codes this option is not available.)

You can override this rate method for a specific project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Projects hub.

Rate Table

If you selected Rate Table, By Category, or By Labor Code in Rate Method, select the labor rate, labor category, or labor code table in this field.

If the user configuring intercompany billing has not been given access to all billing rate tables in role security, only the rate tables to which their role has access are available for selection.


Enter the override multiplier for these companies. You can apply a multiplier regardless of the rate method you select. Enter 1.00 if you do not want to apply a multiplier.

A 0.00 multiplier means that the cost or billing amount will be multiplied by 0.

You can override this multiplier for a specific project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Projects hub. In addition, if you select Multiplier in Rate Method, you can override this multiplier at the organization level on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Individual Organization Setup form.