Lookup and Report Labels

You can create custom labels for lookups and reporting.

You can create custom labels for the following:

  • Lookup Search Types: These labels consist of all the search types that appear in drop-down menus for standard and advanced view lookups.
  • Generic Lookup Search Types: These labels are commonly used for standard labels, such as Code, Description, or Name (especially for advanced sublist search labels).
  • Report Columns: You can change the default report column headings and alternate headings (which are mostly used on reports that allow cost and billing labels for the same column). Report column labels only apply to column selection reports. Users can override these settings in Reporting.
  • Report Groups: You can change labels for items that can be grouped on reports. Users can override these settings in Reporting.

Because all labels are available in a single grid, you can easily change multiple labels across multiple lookup and report types. You can also filter this grid by label types (such as specific report or specific lookup). If you change a label and that label exists for other types, a prompt asks if you want to change all labels that match the label you changed.