Contents of the Format Date and Time Dialog Box (Desktop)

Use these fields and options to select the format of the date and time on the check face.

Field Description

From this drop-down list you can select one of the following options:

  • Short Date: By default, this option displays the month, day, and year with the month expressed as a number. The month, day, and year are separated by the date separator in the Date Options group box (10/29/2019, for example) or your regional settings. The order of the elements of the date is determined by the Date Order field (month/day/year or day/month/year, for example).
  • Medium Date: By default, this option displays the month, day, and year with the month spelled out. You set the sequence of the date elements in the Date Order field (October 29, 2019, for example). The separators between the elements are always controlled by your regional settings.
  • Long Date: By default, this option displays the day of the week spelled out first, then the other date elements in the order of the Date Order field using the separators in the user’s regional settings (Monday, October 29th, 2019, for example).
  • Short Date and Time: This option displays the Short Date plus a space and the time (10/28/2019 11:30:21, for example).
  • Time: This option displays the time only.
Sample This option displays a sample of the options selected on this dialog box.

Date Options

Field Description
Use separator from regional settings If you select this option, DPS uses the separator for the short date specified in your regional settings. If you clear this option, DPS uses the date separator that you select in the Date Separator field.
Date Separator This option controls the characters used for the separator in a short date when the Use separator from regional settings option is not selected. The drop-down list has values for a forward slash (/), period (.), and a dash (-). You can enter any characters.
Date Order This option controls the order of the elements in the date. Select one of the following settings:
  • Month Day Year
  • Day Month Year
  • Year Month Day
Display Day Select this option to display the day as a number.
Display Month Select this option to display the month of the date. For short dates, this displays as a number; otherwise, the month is spelled out.
Display Year Select this option to display the year of the date.
Display Four Digit Year Select this option to display the year with four digits rather than two.
Display Leading Zeros Select this option to display the leading zero for the day and month (if the month is expressed as a number).

Time Options

Field Description
Use separator from regional settings If you select this option, DPS uses the separator for the Time specified in your regional settings. If you clear this option, DPS uses the time separator that you select in the Time Separator field.
Time Separator This field controls the character used between the hours, minutes, and seconds when the Use separator from regional settings option is not selected.
24-Hour Clock When you select this option, the time displays as a 24-hour clock rather than the 12-hour clock (1:00 PM displays as 13:00).
Display AM/PM This option controls whether or not characters are displayed for AM and PM. When you select this option, DPS uses AM and PM symbols from your regional settings.