Set Up Labor Categories

If your enterprise uses labor categories, you create a master list of labor categories and descriptions.

Labor categories can determine the billing rate to use for the employee's billable labor that is entered on timesheets. You specify billing rates for labor categories in Settings > Rate Tables > Billing Labor Categories. You specify a default category for an employee on the Employment Details tab in the Employees hub.

If you have multiple companies in DPS, the labor categories that you create using these steps apply to all the companies.

To set up labor categories:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
  2. On the Lists form, enter Labor Category in the Lists field or scroll to Labor Category in the Field list.
  3. Hover over Labor Category and click .
  4. In the Labor Category Settings dialog box, click + Add Entry below the grid to add a labor category in the grid.
  5. In the Value field, add a description for the labor category, such as Architect, Senior Engineer, and so on.
  6. If you use DPS and do not use Costpoint integration, complete the following:
    1. In the Category field, enter a unique number by which to identify the labor category. You must enter numbers, not letters.
    2. Leave the Code field blank.
  7. If you use DPS and Costpoint integration, complete the following:
    1. Leave the Category field blank.
    2. In the Code field, enter a unique code for the labor category that contains numbers, letters, or a combination of both.
  8. Repeat steps 4–7 to add more labor categories.
  9. When you finish, click Save. After you save and close the Labor Category Setting dialog box:
    • If you entered a category and not a code (you do not use Costpoint integration): DPS automatically assigns the category number as the code for a labor category.
    • If you entered a code and not a category (you use Costpoint integration): DPS automatically assigns the next numeric number as the category number for a labor category, based on the previous numbers entered in the Category field in the grid.