How the Additional Deductions from Wages Grid Works

To tell DPS to exclude Cafeteria 125 and/or 401K amounts from taxable wages, you select options on the Payroll Withholding Setup dialog box.

However, if your company has a need to exclude other types of withholdings from taxable wages, you can define these additional deductions on the Additional Deductions from Wages grid.

  • Cafeteria 125 and 401K — You cannot add Cafeteria 125 or 401K withholdings in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid. When gross wages are calculated, DPS checks the Exclude cafeteria plan amounts and the Exclude 401K amounts, as well as the entries in the grid.

  • Lookup Determined by Sequence Number — The withholdings lookup in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid includes only withholdings with a lower sequence number than the current withholding.

  • When an Employee Does not Have a Withholding Listed in the Grid — If withholding A is listed in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid for withholding B, and an employee has withholding B but does not have withholding A, withholding A will calculate at zero.

  • When the Grid is Empty — If the Additional Deductions from Wages grid is empty for a particular withholding, the gross wage calculation ignores the grid.

  • When a Negative Amount is Entered in the Grid — If the withholding is entered as a negative amount in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid, the amount is added to gross wages.

  • When an Amount is Changed in Payroll Processing — You can change withholding amounts at the time of processing payroll, on the Withholdings grid of the Employee Review tab of the Payroll Processing form. If you change an amount in Payroll Processing for a withholding that is associated with other withholdings via the Additional Deductions from Wages grid, the associated withholdings are automatically updated based on settings in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid.

  • Avoiding Loops in Calculation — To avoid a loop created by a withholding calculation that involves the Additional Deductions from Wages grid, after a user chooses a withholding (for example withholding B) in the Additional Deductions from Wages grid for withholding A, withholding A will not be available for selection in Withholding B’s Additional Deduction from Wages grid.