Contents of the Web Services Form

Use these fields and options to create web services workflows.

Web Services Grid

Grid Options

Field Description
+ Add Web Service Click this option to insert a Web Service on the grid.
X Delete Highlight a grid row and click this option to remove the Web Service from the grid.
Export After creating a web service, you can export it in an Excel Spreadsheet or other file type and save it for reuse (printing, emailing, and so on).

Grid Fields

Field Description
Application From the drop-down list, select the application for which you want to create a workflow.
Order Enter a numeric value to reflect the order in which the Web service is called per application area.
Description Enter a description of the Web service.
Web Service Location Select the location of the Web Service. This is the URL (WSDL file location) for the Web Service you want to invoke.
Web Service Method Select the method for the web service to be called. The methods that you can select depend on what you entered in the Web Service Location field.