Contacts Import Fields

When you import contact information, the import process adds a new contact record in DPS for each contact in the .CSV file who does not already exist in DPS.

Imported Contact Information

You can import any standard or custom data that you enter on any tabs in the Contacts area, with the exception of fields in grids.

Note that if the proper data match between fields is not allowed, the record will not be imported from the .CSV file and an error will be recorded to alert you of the issue

The following table provides notes about some of the imported fields. (This is not a complete list of the fields you can import).

Field Notes
Last Name This field is required. If you do not specify a last name, the contact information is not imported.
Title The contact's job title does not have to exist in the drop-down list of standard titles. If it is not in that list, it is included in Title field for that contact record but is not added to the standard list of titles.
Source The source for the contact must match a source in the drop-down list of standard sources. If it does not, the contact is not imported and you will be notified of the issue in the error log.
Status Contact status is set to Active by default for all imported contacts. The status of any firm that is imported is also set to Active.
Owner The import process checks for the owner/employee.
Status Reason

If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings, the status reason is matched and imported based on the description.


If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings, the rating is matched and imported based on the description.

Qualified Status

If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings:

  • If Qualified Status is not mapped (or is mapped but there is an error with this field), then set the Qualified to Qualified.
  • If Qualified Status is mapped, then set it according to the field in the import source.
Firm The import process checks for an exact match with an existing firm name or alias. If the firm already exists in DPS, the contact is associated with that firm. If no match is found, it is automatically added for you. Make sure you consistently use the exact same name for all contacts associated to a firm so you do not get duplicates in the Firms hub.
Firm Description

If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings, the firm description is imported for contacts that have a status of New Lead.

Opportunity Description

If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings, the opportunity description is imported for contacts that have a status of New Lead.


If your firm uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification Process in Settings, the market is matched and imported based on the description.

Website If the contact is associated with a firm, then this field imports that firm's website.
State/Province and Country

The country in any address must match a country in the drop-down list of standard country names. If it does not, the Country field is left blank.

If an address includes both a state and a country, the state in the .CSV file must match either a state code or state name in the drop-down list of standard states for that country. If it does not, the State/Province field is left blank.

If an address includes a valid state code or name but not a country, the import process assigns the country for that state to the Country field.

Custom fields (general) The format of data to be imported into a custom field must be compatible with the type of custom field. For example, you can only import numeric data into a number field. If the format is not correct, the record is not imported and you will be notified of the issue in the error log. The import continues through the rest of the records in your source file.
Custom date field Dates to be imported into a custom date field should be in the date format specified in the My Preferences dialog box of the person who runs the import process. For example, if your date preferences are set to include the month before the day, then the dates in the import source file should also have the month before the day.
Custom drop-down field Values to be imported into a custom drop-down field must match one of the standard values for that field. If a value does not match a standard value, the record is not imported and you will be notified of the issue in the error log. The import continues through the rest of the records in your source file.

However, you can choose to not limit any drop-down to the list of values, which means users can enter a value that is not in a list. If that option is selected, then the record is imported with that value but the value is not added to the list of values for the field properties.

Custom lookup field Values to be imported into a custom lookup field must match a name exactly. For employee or contact lookups, they must match either a first name + last name + firm or preferred name + last name + firm. For a firm lookup, they must match either a firm name or alias. If there is no match, the record is not imported and you will be notified of the issue in the error log. The import continues through the rest of the records in your source file.
Custom check boxes Custom check boxes are selected (checked) if the imported value is either Yes or Y and are not selected if the value is No or N.