Opportunity Dashpart

The Opportunity dashpart on your Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of your opportunities. The dashpart lists all active opportunities in which you are a team member as specified in the Our Team grid in the Opportunities area.


Field Description
Search Filter On the drop-down list below the Opportunity, click All to display all opportunities (both active and inactive), click Active to display only opportunities with the Active status, or click Mine to display only those opportunities with which you are associated as a team member.

To apply a custom search rather than one of the standard ones described above, click one of the saved custom searches listed below the standard ones, or click Custom to create a new custom search. In the Custom Opportunity Search dialog box, you can select search values for selected fields in the records.

To see the search criteria for the currently selected custom search in an info bubble, hover over the search name if the search is saved, or over Custom if it is not saved.

For information about creating and using searches, see the following topics in Basics:
Opportunity List

In the opportunity list, click an opportunity name to display an info bubble containing opportunity information: opportunity type, estimated revenue, probability of winning, date opened or closed, status, and stage. Click More in the info bubble to display the full opportunity record on a separate browser tab.

Use the scroll bar to scroll through the opportunities in your list.