My Activities Dashpart

Use the My Activities dashpart to see your activity dates, contacts, and notes at a glance and add new activities to the Dashboard.

My Activities displays the pending and completed activities assigned to you in descending order, beginning with the most current activity at the top and followed by those further in the future below. All milestones are excluded from the My Activities list. To view milestone activities, use the Upcoming Milestone Timeline.

Dashpart Contents

Field Description
+Add Activity The +Add Activity link is available if you have permission to add new activities. Click this link to display the Activity dialog box. Modify the default information as needed.
Search Filter List Use this drop-down to filter your activities. Select Today (default) to show today's activities, or Upcoming to show all activities from today and in the future, or All to display all your activities in descending order beginning with the oldest past activity. DPS "remembers" your time frame selection for the next time you log in.
Use the scroll bar to view all your historical, current, and future activities.
Show/Hide Completed List Toggle the Show/Hide Completed link to show or hide a list of your activities. When you click Show Completed the activity list refreshes and displays all the activities based on the time frame you selected. A check box appears to the right of each activity and is unchecked by default. To hide the list, click Hide Completed.

The way in which activities are displayed in the grid depends upon which types of activities they were assigned. Your administrator defines Activity types via Settings > Labels and Lists. All activities assigned as tasks (such as an SOQ activity) or that span multiple days are listed at the top of the Activities grid and a dividing line separates these from all other activities. Typically, these task activities show no date unless a task has a reminder. In addition, activities that span multiple days are displayed separately for each day of the time span and these appear with no start time at the top of the list.

Date This column displays the activity date and also time if available.

To display additional information about the activity, click the date. An info bubble appears containing the activity information: activity name, title, phone numbers, and email address of the employees or contacts associated with the activity. Click the checkbox in the upper right corner to remove the activity from the list. Click More... in the info bubble to display the full date record on a separate browser tab.

Contact (Opportunity) This column displays the name of the contact for the activity and, if the activity is linked to an opportunity, the opportunity name below the contact name.

Click the contact name to display an info bubble containing contact information: job title, location, phone numbers, and email address. Click More... in the info bubble to display the full contact record on a separate browser tab.

Notes This text field displays notes and comments for the activity. Click to display the Notes dialog box that allows you add or modify comments and format text.
Completed Click this checkbox to remove an activity from the list. As you complete an activity, click the checkbox to remove it from the list. The completed activity appears with a strikethrough and, after a delay, is removed from your list. If Show Completed is unchecked, a notification appears below indicating that the activity was marked complete. Click Open to view the full activity in a separate dialog box.
Click the filter icon to expand or limit your list of activities. You can enter field values for start date and time, contact, and/or notes.