Pipeline Dashpart

The Pipeline dashpart in the Dashboard section of My Stuff is represented as a chart that provides a summary view of revenue for the opportunities in your pipeline. For each dimension value on the vertical axis, the chart displays estimated and weighted revenue amounts in separate bars.

You can use searches to select the opportunities that are included, and you can specify the vertical axis dimension and the time frame.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, you can also select the currency in which you want to display pipeline amounts.

Pipeline Calculation

To determine each opportunity's contribution to pipeline revenue, DPS spreads the revenue amount for each opportunity evenly across the period from that opportunity's start date to its end date to determine per-day revenue. It then uses the opportunity start and end dates to determine the number of days each opportunity will contribute revenue during the Pipeline chart time frame, and multiplies that number of days by the per-day revenue amounts to determine that opportunity's contribution to the revenue shown in the chart.

Example: The number of days between the start and end dates for Opportunity ABC is 300 days, and the estimated revenue for the opportunity is 3,000,000. Based on that information, DPS calculates a per-day revenue amount of 10,000 (3,000,000 total revenue / 300 days). You select Next 6 Months as the time frame for the Pipeline chart. DPS uses the start and end dates for Opportunity ABC to determine that the opportunity would contribute revenue for 120 of the days in that six month time frame. As a result, Opportunity ABC's pipeline revenue contribution for that time frame is 1,200,000 (120 days x 10,000 revenue per day).

An opportunity's contribution to weighted revenue for the Pipeline chart is calculated in exactly the same way, once the weighted revenue is calculated (Estimated revenue x Probability).

Because a start, an end date, and an estimated revenue amount are required for the calculation of pipeline revenue amounts, the chart excludes opportunities that do not have all three of those values.


Field Description
Search Filter list On the drop-down list to the right of the chart name, click All to display all opportunities (both active and inactive) on the chart, click Active to include only opportunities with the Active status, or click Mine to display only opportunities with which you are associated as a team member.

To apply a custom search filter rather than one of the standard ones described above, click one of the saved custom searches listed below the standard ones, or click Custom to create a new custom search. In the Custom Opportunity Search dialog box, you can select search values for selected fields in the records.

To see the search criteria for the currently selected custom search in an info bubble, hover over the search name if the search is saved, or over Custom if it is not saved.

Dimension selection Click the currently selected dimension, located next to the search filter list in the upper-left corner of the chart, to change the dimension by which pipeline revenue is broken down on the vertical axis (for example, by probability, primary client, market, stage, and so on).

The dimension selections include all standard and custom fields for opportunities that have a lookup list or drop-down list of values. In addition, a By Month option enables you to display a month-by-month breakdown of revenue for the time frame you select for the chart.

Time frame selection Click the currently selected time frame, located to the right of the Dimension selection list in the upper-left corner of the chart, to change the overall period of time represented on the chart.

The revenue bars on the chart represent the total estimated or weighted revenue for the selected time frame. For example, if you select Next 6 Months (Projected), each bar represents the estimated or weighted revenue for that group of opportunities for the next six months, starting on the current date.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, click to display the Pipeline Settings dialog box and select the presentation currency for the chart.
Vertical axis values The vertical axis of the chart displays the values for the dimension that you select above the chart. Estimated revenue and weighted revenue bars display for each dimension value. If no pipeline revenue exists for a dimension value, that value does not display on the axis.
Horizontal axis values The horizontal axis of the chart displays the scale of revenue amounts.
Weighted revenue bars Each weighted revenue bar represents the sum of weighted revenue for that group of opportunities for the time frame. Hover over the bar to display the weighted revenue amount and the number of opportunities contributing to that amount.

Weighted revenue for an opportunity = Estimated revenue x Probability.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, opportunity weighted revenue amounts are converted to a single presentation currency for the Pipeline chart, based on currency configuration information in DPS and using today's date as the exchange date. The initial default currency for the chart is the functional currency for your home company. If you want to display the chart using a different currency, click above the upper-right corner of the chart and select the currency in the Pipeline Settings dialog box.

DPS spreads the weighted revenue amount for each opportunity evenly across the period from that opportunity's start date to its end date to determine per-day weighted revenue. It then uses the opportunity start and end dates to determine the number of days each opportunity will contribute revenue during the Pipeline chart time frame, and multiplies that number of days by the per-day weighted revenue amounts to determine that opportunity's contribution to the weighted revenue shown in the chart.

Estimated revenue bars Each estimated revenue bar represents the sum of estimated revenue for that group of opportunities for the time frame. Hover over the bar to display the estimated revenue amount and the number of opportunities contributing to that amount.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, opportunity estimated revenue amounts are converted to a single presentation currency for the Pipeline chart, based on currency configuration information in DPS and using today's date as the exchange date. The initial default currency for the chart is the functional currency for your home company. If you want to display the chart using a different currency, click above the upper-right corner of the chart and select the currency in the Pipeline Settings dialog box.

DPS spreads the estimated revenue amount for each opportunity evenly across the period from that opportunity's start date to its end date to determine per-day estimated revenue. It then uses the opportunity start and end dates to determine the number of days each opportunity will contribute revenue during the Pipeline chart time frame, and multiplies that number of days by the per-day estimated revenue amounts to determine that opportunity's contribution to the estimated revenue shown in the chart.