Close an Opportunity

When you are no longer actively pursuing an opportunity, you can close it. Closing an opportunity does not delete it, but changes the opportunity status to inactive.

An inactive opportunity is no longer included in the selection lists of opportunities lookups, and you cannot edit any of the information related to it. If later you need to access the opportunity, you can reopen it via the Actions Menu.

To close an opportunity:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select Opportunities.
  2. Use the search field above the opportunity name to search for and select the opportunity that you want to close.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Close Opportunity to display the Close Opportunity dialog box.
  4. In Stage, select a pipeline stage for the opportunity. The selection list only includes stages that are designated as stages for closed opportunities.
  5. If the date in Date Closed is not the date that you want to associate with the close action, then enter or select the correct date.
  6. In Reason, select the reason that you are closing the opportunity.
  7. In Close Notes, enter any additional information related to closing the opportunity.
  8. Click Save.

    When you close an opportunity that has resource assignments, DPS displays a message that recommends that you either move those assignments to the project, if you were awarded the contract, or delete the assignments. That message includes a link that displays the opportunity's resource plan in Project View so you can either move or delete the assignments.

    After you close the opportunity, you cannot add or change information for the opportunity.

If you close an opportunity and later need to open it again (for example, if you decide to renew your pursuit of the contract or you want to edit some of the opportunity information), use the search field to select the opportunity, use the Actions bar and click Other Actions > Reopen.