Firm Report

The Firms report provides a list of firms and related information. You can add or remove columns and change the order of columns to tailor the report to best meet your needs.

The columns available for the report include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the Firms area.

If a vendor record is linked to a client record, the assumption is that they are the same firm, and only the client displays on the report and in report filter lists. Vendor records that have no associated client record do appear on the report.

If you select the Mine search for the report, the report only displays firms with which you are associated as a team member. In that case, the report includes only clients because you cannot associate employees with vendors.

When you apply a custom search to the report, you have the option to select one or more firm types that you want to include. If you select Client, Competitor, or Government Agency, the report includes clients for which the corresponding check box is selected on the Add/Edit Firm form. If you select Vendor, the report includes both clients for which that check box is selected and vendors that have no associated client record.

Your security role determines if you can display this report and, if you can display it, which firms you can view. In addition, if your security role is denied access to specific fields, you cannot view those fields on this report.

Default Columns

The first time you display the firms report, it contains these columns in this order by default. If you select other columns or change the order of columns, DPS saves that modified report as your new default format.

Field Description
Name (Market) This column displays the name of the firm, along with the general market in which the firm participates.

Click the name to display a tooltip containing firm information: market, primary location, phone number, and firm status. Click More in the tooltip to display the full firm record on a separate browser tab.

Status This column displays the firm status: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Most Recent Opportunity This column displays the name of the most recent opportunity with which this firm is associated. The most recent opportunity is the opportunity with the most recent open date for the period up to and including the current date. Opportunities with open dates in the future are not considered.

Click the opportunity name to display a tooltip containing opportunity information: opportunity type, estimated revenue, probability of winning, date opened or closed, status, and stage. Click More in the tooltip to display the full opportunity record on a separate browser tab.

Opportunity Role This column displays the firm's role for its most recent opportunity.
Last Touchpoint This column displays any notes entered for the last touchpoint with which this firm is associated. The last touchpoint is the touchpoint with the most recent date for the period up to and including the current date. Touchpoints dated in the future are not considered.
Touchpoint Date This column displays the date of the last touchpoint with which this firm is associated. The last touchpoint is the touchpoint with the most recent date for the period up to and including the current date. Touchpoints dated in the future are not considered.

Other Columns

These additional standard columns are available for the report, along with columns for any user-defined fields that are used in the Firms area. Click above the upper-right corner of the report to add or remove columns.

Field Description
8(a) This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the 8 (a) business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Alaska Native This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Alaska Native business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Annual Revenue This column displays the firm's annual revenue.
Client This column displays a check if Client is one of the firm types selected for the firm.
Firm ID This column displays the firm's ID.
Competitor This column displays a check if Competitor is one of the firm types selected for firm.
Created By This column displays the user name of the person who created the firm record.
Created On This column displays the date the firm record was created.
Description This column displays a description of the firm.
Disadvantaged Business This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Disadvantaged Business business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Employees This column displays the number of employees in the firm.
Government Agency This column displays a check if Government Agency is one of the firm types selected for the firm.
HBCU or Minority Institution This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the HBCU or Minority Institution business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
HUB Zone This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the HUB Zone business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Last Updated This column displays the user name of the person who made the last changes to the firm information.
Last Updated On This column displays the date the firm information was last changed.
Linked Vendor If the firm is a client and is linked to a vendor, this column displays that vendor ID.
Market This column displays the general market in which the firm participates, such as Commercial, Health Care, or Federal Government.
Minority Owned This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Minority Owned business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Name This column displays the name of the firm.
Prior Work This column displays a check if the firm has been involved in prior work that your firm has done.
Recommend This column displays a check if the firm is recommended.
Relationship This column displays the firm's relationship with your firm. For example, for a client firm, this might be Existing or Former.
Service Disabled Veteran Owner This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Service Disabled Veteran Owner business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Small Business This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Small Business business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Specialty This column displays the type of service or product in which the firm specializes.
Specialty Notes This column displays any notes related to the type of service or product in which the firm specializes.
Vendor This column displays a check if Vendor is one of the firm types selected for the firm. This column is also checked if the firm is set up as a vendor and has no associated client record.
Veteran Owned This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Veteran Owned business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.
Website This column displays the firm's Web site URL.
Woman Owned This column displays a check if the firm is eligible for the Woman Owned business development program for small and minority-owned businesses.