Create a Service Estimate for an Opportunity

Use the Service Estimate tabs to enter the labor, expense, consultant, or unit cost estimates for an opportunity. This option is available if your firm purchased the CRM Plus application and the Enable Service Estimate option is selected on the Service Estimate tab in Settings > Opportunities. The tabs that display as part of Service Estimates depend on the settings that are specified on this tab as well.

To create a service estimate for an opportunity:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select Opportunities.
  2. Click the Estimate toggle button.
  3. Use the search field above the opportunity name to search for and select the opportunity that you want to review or edit.

    The opportunity's name and last modified date display.

  4. On the Summary tab, use the Cost, Billing, or Cost and Billing drop-downs to select the Labor Category table to be used for default cost rates.
  5. If you use multiple currencies, use the Cost and Billing drop-down lists to select the currency for Planned Cost and Planned Billing amounts.
  6. Use the Labor tab to enter labor-related details for the estimate. This includes a description of the labor, generic resources, planned hours, cost rate, and billing rate.
  7. Use the Expenses tab to enter expense estimates for the opportunity. This includes the account and estimated or forecasted amounts.
  8. Use the Consultants tab to enter consultant estimates for the opportunity. This includes the account and estimated or forecasted amounts.
  9. Use the Units tab to estimate the quantities, cost amounts, and billing amounts for the opportunity.
  10. After you enter labor, expense, consultant, and unit information, you can refer to the Estimate Analysis grid for an overall total of your estimates.