Contents of the Accounts Receivable Comments Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to review, edit, add, or delete accounts receivable comments for the billing client of the current project.

Field Description
Billing client The invoice's billing client displays next to the dialog box title.
Project For a new or existing accounts receivable comment, select an active or inactive project that is associated with the client.

Type one or more characters from the project name or number to select from a list of projects that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of the client's active and inactive projects.

Name This column displays the project name.
Invoice Select the invoice that you want to associate with the comment. The invoice must be an invoice for the project in PROJECT.

Type one or more characters from the invoice number to select from a list of invoices that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of the project's invoices.

Credit Memo If a credit memo for the project or invoice is related to the comment, select it in this column.

Type one or more characters from the credit memo reference number to select from a list of credit memos that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of credit memos for the project or invoice.

Date This column displays the date and time the comment was entered or most recently updated.
Name This column displays the name of the person who most recently updated the comment.
Comment This column displays the first few words of the comment. Click the comment row to display the complete comment in Comment Entry.
To create a new comment by copying an existing comment row, hover over or click the row for the existing comment, click at the end of the row, and click Copy.

To delete a comment, hover over or click the row for the comment you want to delete, click at the end of the row, and click Delete.

+ Add Comment Click + Add Comment to add a new comment for the client.

If your security role does not have update access to accounts receivable comments, this button is not available.

Comment Entry To view an existing comment, select the comment row to display the full comment in this field. If you have update access to accounts receivable comments, you can edit an existing comment in this field or enter the text for a new comment.
Save, Cancel, Close If you add, change, or delete a comment, click Save to save your entries and close the dialog box. Click Cancel to discard any unsaved entries and close the dialog box.

If your security role does not have update access to accounts receivable comments, Save and Cancel are not available. Click Close to close the dialog box.