Create (POST) AP Payment

Use this API to create an AP payment in the Transaction Center. AP payments are for vendors' vouchers.

To create an AP payment:

Execute a POST command on the endpoint {{url}}/ledger/{{TransType}}, where the variable TransType is set to PP and specify the transaction data for the vendor's voucher the AP payment is for in the request body.

For example, here is a request submitted using cURL:

  --request POST \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/ledger/PP' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"Period": 201305,
	"PostSeq": 0,
	"UserName": "ADMIN",
	"PostDate": "",
	"TransType": "PP",
	"Completed": "N",
	"PostComment": "",
	"PaymentDate": "2017-02-09T00:00:00.000",
	"CheckDate": "2017-02-09T00:00:00.000",
	"Company": "0A",
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Seq": "1",
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"Voucher": "000000000DPA",
		"Invoice": "DP1",
		"InvoiceDate": "2017-02-08T00:00:00.000",
		"LiabCode": "Aconsultan",
		"DiscCode": "US",
		"Address": "Default",
		"Line": "1",
		"WBS1": "0A199900.900",
		"WBS2": "A001",
		"WBS3": "",
		"Account": "54500",
		"Org": "0A",
		"Amount": "200.00",
		"Discount": "0",
		"PrevPay": "0",
		"Payment": "200.00",
		"PayTerms": "30",
		"Printed": "Y",
		"Assigned": "Y",
		"BankCode": "ABOSTON",
		"Sequence": "1",
		"CheckNo": "2147483779",
		"CheckDate": "2017-02-08T00:00:00.000",
		"CBDebitAmount": "0",
		"Memo": "",
		"Email": "",
		"EFT": "",
		"EmailRemittance": "",
		"ExportText": "N",
		"CheckNoRef": "002147483779",
		"SEPAIndicator": "",
		"Diary": ""
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Seq": "1",
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"CheckSeq": "1",
		"TaxCode": "NOLABORTAX",
		"TaxPayment": 5.08,
		"TaxDiscount": 0,
		"CompoundOnTaxCode": ""
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Seq": "2",
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"CheckSeq": "1",
		"TaxCode": "AGS",
		"TaxPayment": 9.03,
		"TaxDiscount": 0,
		"CompoundOnTaxCode": ""
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Seq": "3",
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"CheckSeq": "1",
		"TaxCode": "USD",
		"TaxPayment": 3.80,
		"TaxDiscount": 0,
		"CompoundOnTaxCode": "AGS"
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Seq": "1",
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"BankID": "1AAAAAA",
		"Account": "AAAGGGGGGG",
		"AccountType": "C",
		"Status": "Y",
		"Remittance": "Y",
		"Amount": 10.00,
		"SourceBankCode": "ABOSTON",
		"CheckRefNo": 2147483779,
		"Sequence": 1
		"Period": "201305",
		"PostSeq": 0,
		"Vendor": "00000001.01",
		"BankName": "1AAAAAA",
		"BankAddr1": "Address 1",
		"BankAddr2": "Address 2",
		"BankAddr3": "Address 3",
		"BankAddr4": "Address 3",
		"BankCity": "Arcadia",
		"BankState": "CA",
		"BankZip": "91007",
		"BankCountry": "US",
		"BankIDType": "ABA",
		"BankID": "C234235",
		"BankAccountIDType": "XACH",
		"BankAccountID": "N1234",
		"FeeDebitWBS1": "0A199900.900",
		"FeeDebitWBS2": "A001",
		"FeeDebitWBS3": "",
		"FeeDebitAccount": "54500",
		"PaymentAmount": 20.00,
		"BankAmount": 10.00


A successful POST returns the JSON representation of the newly created AP payment.