Database Entities

DPS uses entities to organize transaction information in the database.

The entities are prefixed with letters that indicate the type of transaction. There are five entities for AP Voucher type transactions:

Entity Name Description
Control apControl Tracks the primary details of the transaction file.
Master apMaster Keeps track of different components of the transaction file, such as invoices and checks.
Detail apDetail Stores all of the details or line-items of the transaction.
ControlDefaultTaxCodes apControlDefaultTaxCodes Stores the list of default tax codes for the transaction batch.
DetailTax apDetailTax Stores the list of tax codes that are associated with each of the transaction detail lines.

These entities are related in the following ways:

  • Each transaction file is represented by a unique entry (transaction file).
  • The Control entity can have one or more entries or rows in the Master entity.
  • Each record (for example, invoice or check) in the Master entity can have one or more rows in the Detail entity.
  • The DetailTax entity is linked to the Detail entity via the keys list.

For each entity, the following table shows how key columns differ depending on the transaction type. The database uses the same entity names as the table names.

Entity Key Columns

Batch - Name of the transaction file.

Period - Accounting period when the transaction was entered.

PostPeriod - Accounting period when this transaction was posted.

PostSeq - The posting sequence number.

Total - Total amount entered for the transaction file.

Selected - Flag indicating whether this file has been selected for Posting, Y-Yes, N-No.

Posted - Flag indicating whether this file has been posted, Y-Yes, N-No.

Recurring - Flag indicating whether this is a recurring transaction file, Y-Yes, N-No.

Creator - Username of the file's creator.



Batch - The transaction batch filename.

TaxCode - The ID of the tax code.

Seq - The numeric sequence of the tax code.


Batch - The transaction batch filename.

MasterPKey - Internal primary key.

The remaining columns vary for each xx transaction type.


Batch - The transaction batch filename.

PKey - Internal primary key.

Seq - Internal sequence number.

WBS1 - The project number for the project associated with the transaction.

WBS2 - The reference field for the project phase. This column is populated by DPS once the WBS1 column in this table is populated.

WBS3 - The reference field for the project task. This column is populated by DPS once the WBS1 column in this table is populated.

Account - Account number to which to post the amount.

NetAmount - Gross voucher amount less any tax amount applied.

Amount - Amount of the detail line.

The remaining columns vary for each xx transaction type.



Batch - The batch from the xxDetail row.

MasterPKey - The MasterPKey from the xxDetail row.

TaxCode - The tax code that is associated with the detail line.

PKey - The PKey from the xxDetail row.

TaxAmount - The tax amount.

CompoundOnTaxCode - The Tax Code to Include in Basis value in Tax Codes Configuration.

Seq - The numeric sequence of the list of tax codes that are associated with the detail line.