Delete (DELETE) Historical Overhead Transaction

Use this API to delete a single historical overhead transaction from the Transactions Center.

To delete a historical overhead transaction:

Execute a DELETE command on the endpoint {{url}}/historicalOverheads/<wbskey>/<period>, where wbskey is the historical overhead transaction via the work breakdown structure project identifier with all three levels specified. When there is no value for a lower level work breakdown structure, you must specify the value as %20, which is the URL-encoded value for the space character. The WBS level cannot be blank. The period is the corresponding time period for the transaction you want to delete.

For example, here is a request, using cURL, to delete a historical overhead transaction using wbskey set to 1999005.00|%20|%20 and period set to 200710.

curl --request DELETE \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/historicalOverheads/1999005.00|%20|%20/200710' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'
A successful DELETE returns the status code 200 OK.