Sort Options for Checks Generated in the Employee Expense Processing Session

Whether you select the Automatic or the Manual Select option for processing employee advance/expense payments, you can determine how to sort the checks generated during the session. You can specify up to three sort levels for the checks processed in any session.

For example, to simplify the separation and distribution of checks, you could sort checks first by organization, then by organization level, then by employee name.

If you do not select a check sorting option, checks sort based on employee number.

The sort options include the following:

  • Employee Number: All checks sort in numerical order by employee number.
  • Employee Name: All checks sort alphabetically by the employee’s last name.
  • Employee Status: All checks sort by employee status: Active, Inactive, then Terminated.
  • Profit Center: All checks sort by organization code.
  • Profit Center Levels: All checks sort by organization level.
  • Employee Sort/Select Codes: All checks sort by the sort/select code that you specify.