Expense Categories

You can set up expense categories to make it easier for employees to fill out expense reports. For each expense category (for example, Hotels, Meals, or Auto) you can predefine settings such as general ledger accounts and whether or not the expense is billable, so that employees do not need to enter this information manually.

For example, you might have a category called Auto for all car-related expenses, including mileage, repairs, and rental cars. When an employee selects the Auto expense category on an expense report line, DPS automatically supplies the correct account and other information. This makes it easier for employees to enter line items on expense reports and lets you limit the accounts to which employees can charge expenses on expense reports.

Expense categories can work directly with expense groups, which are collections of employees who belong to the same department or team or have something else in common. You can give an expense group access to only the specific expense categories that are appropriate for the group's responsibilities and activities.

Set up expense categories and groups in Settings > Expense.