Contents of the FEC File Generation Form

Use options on the form to specify the file format, the range of accounting periods, and your company's SIREN number.


Field Description
Saved Options If you or other users previously saved global or personal settings for this tab (using the Organize button on this tab), click beside this field to select a set of saved settings. From the drop-down list in the Saved Options field, you can select settings from a Global Options folder (saved settings that are available to all users) or a Personal Options folder (saved settings that you created and which only you can access). DPS then applies those settings so you do not have to enter them again each time that you want to generate a file.
Organize Click this button to open the Organize Options dialog box and save the settings that are currently entered on this tab for future use. Later, when you want to generate the tax file again, you can select the saved settings from the Saved Options field.
File Format Select the option for the file that you want to generate.
  • FEC Description File
  • FEC Data File
Range of Periods Select the beginning and ending accounting periods for the range of periods for which you want to generate the file.
SIREN Enter your company's SIREN number.