Adjust Budget Amounts by a Percentage

To adjust your general ledger budget, or increase or decrease the budget for each period, you can adjust the period amounts by a percentage.

To adjust a budget:

  1. In the Period Range fields on the General Ledger Budgeting form, enter the range of periods for which you want to adjust the budget.
  2. Move the row selector to the account that you want to adjust.
  3. On the toolbar, click Tools > Adjust Budget.
  4. On the Adjusting the Annual Budget dialog box, adjust budgets by a percentage of the annual budget:
    1. In the Percent field, enter a number (for example, enter 10 for 10%).
    2. Click Percent to recalculate the budget for each period by multiplying each period amount by the percentage you entered.
    3. Click Reset Annual to recalculate the annual budget based on the adjustments made to the period budgets.
    4. Click Save.