Activating Languages
DPS currently supports two languages: international English and U. S. English. In future versions, the product will support additional languages.
Terms used in DPS for which the spelling differs between the two versions of English are displayed based on the version selected when you log in to DPS.
If one of these versions of English is appropriate for all locations in which your company uses DPS, that version is set as your only language as part of the licensing process. You do not need the Multilingual module. However, if your company has some locations that use international English and others that use U. S. English, you can purchase a DPS license that includes the Multilingual module, so each DPS user can select the version they prefer when they log in.
If you include the Multilingual module as part of your original DPS purchase, both English versions are automatically available when you start the product activation and setup processes. If, on the other hand, you purchase the Multilingual module after you have begun using DPS, Deltek provides a password for that module. Enter that password on the Modules tab of the General System form (
) to activate the module and make both versions of English available.