Required Field Validation Workflow Process Example

You may find it helpful to review an example that illustrates the workflow process for required fields.

Scenario: Create a workflow that generates an error message or warning when required fields are not entered when saving a new record in the Contacts hub.

Step 1: Create a user initiated workflow:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Workflows > User Initiated.
  2. From the Application list, select Contacts.
  3. Click +Add Workflow and set the columns:
    Column Select
    Workflow Table Contact Record
    Workflow Type Insert
    Description Required Field Validation
  4. On the Workflows grid, click to open the Conditions dialog box and set the conditions:
    Column Select
    And/Or Contacts.FirstName
    Operator Empty
  5. Save your changes.

Setting this column and condition specifies that the workflow event will fire whenever a contact record is inserted and the contact first name field is blank.

Step 2: Determine if you will use an error message or warning.

  • Error Message: Stops the save process when a required field (in this example, Contact First Name) is blank. You must fix the error before you will be allowed to continue.
  • Warning: Provides a warning that a required field (in this example, Contact First Name) is blank but allows you to continue.

Step 3: Create the Error Message or Warning

  1. Select Validate Error or Validate Warning from the Add Action list.
  2. On the Action grid, enter the text for the error message. For example, "Contact First Name is required."
  3. Click to open the Conditions dialog box and set the additional condition:
    Column Select
    And/Or Contacts.FirstName
    Operator Empty
  4. Save your entries.

DPS will execute this workflow event when the Contact First Name is blank in the Contacts hub when a new record is entered.

The warning or error message will display in the Contacts hub and the conditions must be satisfied before the record can be saved.