Select a Boilerplate to View or Edit
You can search for and select an existing boilerplate to review or edit.
To select a boilerplate to view or edit:
- In the Navigation pane, select the Boilerplates hub.
to display the Select Searches list. DPS displays a number of search options that include standard, custom, legacy searches, as well as a new search option.
To locate a specific search or group of searches in a long list of searches, type one or more characters in the Quick Find field and pause to allow time for the results set to refresh. The records returned for the search are listed in the Search Results grid.
Select one of the following search options:
- Click All to select from a list of all records (both active and inactive).
to the right of a custom or a Legacy search to display the Edit Search dialog box.
- Click +New Search to define search criteria and conditions that return a new set of records.
on the Search Results grid, and enter text in as many of the heading fields as needed. To further refine the search records in the Search Results grid, click only the check boxes of those records that you want included in the search. Any unchecked records are excluded from the search results and from the Find records list.
- Click Save to save the search for future reuse.
To execute a search:
- Click Apply All to add all the search records to the records search list. Although all the record check boxes appear unchecked, all records in the Search Results list are automatically included in the search.
- Click Apply Selected # to add only the checked records that you selected.
For more detailed information on creating and using searches, see the Search DPS help topics.