Contents of the Price Quote Response Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on the Price Quote Response dialog box to review item and vendor information for the price quote response.

Field Description
Item This field displays the item in the request for price quote.
Description This field displays the description in the request for price quote.
Qty Desired This field displays the desired quantity in the request for price quote.
Vendor's Item # If the item has a vendor's item number, this field displays data from the Vendor tab of the Items Master form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master).
Response Price Enter the vendor's response price. If you use multiple currencies, enter this amount using the transaction currency of the related request for price quote.
U/M This field displays the unit of measure from the request for price quote. If necessary, select a different unit of measure.
Response Date Enter the date of the vendor's response.
Response Person Enter the name of the vendor who gave this response to the request for price quote.
Select this Vendor Select this check box to use the data in this vendor response to make a purchase order to send to this vendor.
RFQ Printed Select this check box if this item was included on the Request for Price Quote form that was already printed.
Apply Response to All Line Items Select this check box if the responses apply to all line items for a given vendor on a requisition. This disables the ability to enter additional vendor responses for the remaining line items, and displays the responses in the Purchase Order's Agreement Terms, by requisition.
Responses Grid The line items on the Responses grid pre-fill with standard responses that are entered on the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings). You can edit these responses, as needed, for each line item (but the responses will not update in Settings).

Select a response and click Edit. The Text Editor displays. Enter the response details and click OK to save your changes. The response displays in the Responses grid. Click the hyperlink to open the response in the Text Editor.