Employees Hub for Resource Planning Without Accounting

If Resource Planning is your only activated module, you still have access to the Employee hub in which you can view, add, and edit employee information.

Adding Employees

You can add employees individually in the hub and can import employees using either the DPS import utility or the API. To access the Employees import, in the Navigation pane, go to the Utilities > Imports & Exports > Imports. Contact your system administrator for more detailed information about the DPS import or API options.

Deleting Employees

In addition to adding employees and edit employee information, you can also delete an employee. When you do, DPS deletes all of the related employee information, including historical labor data and planning data.

Restrictions on What You Can Do in the Employees Hub

When you use Resource Planning without the Accounting module activated, you have access to a more limited set of actions and data in the Employees hub than you would if the Accounting module was activated. As a result, you may see references in the DPS DPS help to tabs, fields, and options that are not available to you.