Contents of the Move Opportunity Assignments Dialog Box

When you close or inactivate an opportunity because you were awarded the contract and that opportunity has resource assignments, use the fields and options in this dialog box to move the assignments to the resource plan for the corresponding project.

Field Description
Opportunity name This field displays the name of the opportunity.
Move to Project Select the project plan to which you want to move the opportunity's resource assignments.

When you select a project, the work breakdown structure (WBS) for that project's resource plan displays in Move To.

Levels to Move This grid displays the resource plan structure for the opportunity. Expand the plan structure to display one or more sets of resources you want to move and select the check boxes next to the plan structure elements to which those resources are assigned.
Move To This grid displays the WBS for the selected project's plan. Expand the plan structure to display the WBS element to which you want to move the resource assignments selected in Levels to Move, and click + next to it.

The opportunity plan structure elements you selected display under To Be Moved next to the WBS element to which they will be moved. If you later need to clear the selection, click the opportunity plan structure element in Move To and click Clear All in the tooltip.

To move all resource assignments, repeat the procedure of selecting resource assignments and clicking + next to the target WBS element as many times as necessary.

These moves are only pending moves at this point. The actual moves and update of the plan occur when you click the Move Assignments button.

Move Assignments

Click this button to confirm and save all of the moves you specified, and close the dialog box.

The designated resources are moved to the project plan. Included in the move are the assignment start and end dates and all planned hours. If an assignment already exists for a resource for the project, planned hours from the opportunity plan are combined with the planned hours in the project plan, and assignment dates and plan dates are adjusted as necessary. If the project is not already associated with an opportunity, the opportunity from which you moved the assignments is added to the project data and displays in the Opportunity field on the Overview tab in the Projects hub.