Move Resource Assignments from an Opportunity to a Project

When you close an opportunity because you were awarded the contract and that opportunity has resource assignments, you should move the assignments to the corresponding project plan.

Prerequisite: Before you can move resource assignments to a project plan, that project, with its work breakdown structure (WBS) specified down to the levels at which you want to assign resources, must already exist in DPS.

To move all resource assignments for an opportunity to a project plan:

  1. If you have not already closed or inactivated the opportunity, do one of the following:
    • If the CRM application is activated, select the opportunity in the Opportunities hub, click Close Opportunity, enter the required information on the Close Opportunity dialog box, and click Save. In the message that displays, click the link to display the opportunity's resource plan in Project View.
    • If the CRM application is not activated and, thus, you do not have an Opportunity hub, display the opportunity on the Opportunity Plan Structure form, select Edit Opportunity on the Actions menu, change the status of the opportunity to Inactive, and save that change. In the message that displays, click the link to display the opportunity's resource plan in Project View.

    If you previously closed or inactivated the opportunity, select the opportunity in Project View.

  2. In Move or delete resource assignments displayed above the grid, click the Move link.
  3. In Move to Project in the Move Opportunity Assignments dialog box, select the project to which you want to move the opportunity's resource assignments.
  4. In the Levels to Move grid, expand the opportunity plan structure to display the first resources you want to move and select the check boxes next to the structure elements to which those resources are assigned.
  5. In the Move To grid, expand the project WBS and click + next to the WBS element to which you want to move the selected resource assignments. The plan structure element name displays in To Be Moved in the Move To grid.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have identified all resources that you want to move.
  7. To save the moves and close the dialog box, click Move Assignments.

    Result: The designated resources are moved to the project plan. Included in the move are the assignment start and end dates and all planned hours. If the project is not already associated with an opportunity, the opportunity from which you moved the assignments is added to the project data and displays in the Opportunity field on the Overview tab in the Projects hub.