Projects Report Form of Resource Management

The Projects Report form of Resource Management enables you to generate detailed resource and project planning reports that show actual and estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours at the level of individual assignments.

You can add or remove columns, change the order of columns, filter the data to tailor the reports to best meet your needs, download or save the report to your network or computer so it is immediately available to you in the future.

Resource Management Reporting shows hours, but does not include cost or bill amounts for those hours. If you want to include cost or bill amounts for hours, use the Resource Planning reports available in the desktop application.

Contents: Above the Grid

Field Description
Find saved report Use this field to search and select the saved project report that you want to review or edit. Each report in the list displays an icon indicating its name and type () Project or () Resource.
Saved Searches Counter The number of available saved reports appears in the search field at the far right.
Rename Report To the right of the Search field, click Rename Report to display the Rename Report dialog box and enter a new name for the selected report.
Delete Report Select an existing report from the Find saved report list, and click Delete Report to delete the report.
Standard Report Type options Use this drop-down to select the standard report type you want displayed on the Reporting form. Click to select either the Resources or Project option.
Records filter

Use this drop-down, located to the right of the standard report type options, to show a list of the different types of records you want included on the report (All Resources, Generic Resources, Employees I Supervise, or others). Click to select a subset of records from the drop-down list. The selections vary depending on the report type you selected.

Refine Use the Refine option to quickly access the Custom Search dialog box where you can either edit the search criteria for an existing saved custom search or create a new custom search. The Refine option is available if you choose either one of the existing saved custom searches or if you select the Custom search option.

When you select Custom in the record selection list, click Refine next to the custom search name to display the Custom Search dialog box.

Forecast Range Click next to Forecast Range to display the Change Forecast Range dialog box and select the forecast range settings. The forecast range that you specify in the Change Forecast Range dialog box determines range of time periods included on the report.

If you display calendar periods on the report, the forecast range settings also determine the number of calendar period columns, the length (day, week, or month) of each period, and the starting period. If calendar period columns are not already displayed, click above the upper-right corner of the report, select Forecast Range in Available Columns in the Report Settings dialog box, and move it to Selected Columns.

If you include calendar period columns, the report displays planned hours, actual hours, scheduled percentage, and utilization percentage by calendar period.

For more details, see Change the Forecast Range for a Report.

Show/Hide Column Filters Above the upper-right corner of the grid, click to show or hide the filter fields below the column headings. When shown, you can select filtering options for any of the report columns as needed. When you create a filter for a column, a filter icon appears in the filtered column's heading. To remove all the currently selected filters, click Clear Filters filters to the right of the Forecast Range.
Click this icon to save the report to your list of saved reports.
Click this icon to download a .CSV file of the report.
Record Counter The record counter at the bottom right of the report grid tells you how many records were returned for the report.

Contents: Projects Report Grid

Note that when you sort records and also select a WBS level on a resource planning report, columns are sorted by project only. Therefore, not all WBS levels within an individual plan structure will be sorted.

First Column

The heading displayed for the first report column varies depending on the report settings you select.

Field Description
Resource Name, Top Project Name, Top Project Level, Assignment Level, Capacity

If you select Show Projects in the Report Settings dialog box, this column also displays, below each project, either the project names or the names of the assignment-level WBS elements to which the resource is assigned.

The Capacity and Calendar Period columns display period-by-period assignment data. The number of calendar period columns displayed, the range of dates they cover, and the period of time each column represents are based on the current forecast range settings for the report. To change those settings, click next to Forecast Range above the upper-right corner of the report.

If you select Forecast Range in the Report Settings dialog box to include calendar period columns and capacity rows on the report, this column also displays the labels for the capacity rows: Actuals, Planned, Scheduled %, and Utilization %.

To select the types of capacity rows you want to show, click above the upper-right corner of the report to display the filter fields below the column headings. Click in the field under the Capacity heading above the first column, select the check boxes for the rows you want, and clear the check boxes for those you do not want.

If you set up multiple companies in DPS, you can view a report that displays plans for projects from more than one company. Each of those companies could have different starting days for their work weeks. Because of that, Resource Management reports always uses the starting day of the week specified for the user's currently active company.

Additional Default Columns

The first time you display the Projects report, it contains these columns by default. If you select other columns or change the order of columns in Report Settings, DPS saves that modified report as your new default format.

The heading displayed for the first report column varies depending on the report settings you select.

Field Description
Assignment Start

For a project row, this column displays the earliest assignment start date for entire project.

For a WBS row at the project level, this column displays the earliest start date for the resource's assignments for that project.

For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the start date for the resource's assignment to the WBS element.

Assignment End

For a project row, this column displays the latest start date for all of the resource's assignments.

For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the end date for the resource's assignment to the WBS element.

For a WBS row at theproject level, this column displays the latest end date for the resource's assignments for that project.

JTD Hours <JTD date>

This column displays the job-to-date (JTD) actual hours for the resource or WBS element through the current JTD date. The current JTD date displays as part of the column heading.

DPS automatically updates these values when you use the API or the Historical Labor import to bring in hours charged to projects. Updating JTD hours, in turn, also affects ETC and EAC calculations. If the import process or API imports a labor transaction for a project, and no assignment exists for the employee for the WBS element to which the labor is charged, the import creates a new assignment with JTD hours but no planned hours.

For DPS users, the JTD date is the date of the latest historical labor record in the database. However, if you have access to the Resource Planning module without the Accounting module, then your system administrator can specify a different date for JTD in Settings > Resource Planning > Grids.

Also, note that updating JTD hours, in turn, also affects ETC and EAC calculations. If the import process or API imports a labor transaction for a project, and no assignment exists for the employee for the WBS element to which the labor is charged, the import creates a new assignment with JTD hours but no planned hours.

Total ETCHours

For a WBS row at the assignment level, this column displays the resource's estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours for that assignment for the period from the assignment start date through the assignment end date. The ETC in the hours are planned hours for dates in the assignment range that are later than the JTD date.

Note that for DPS users, the JTD date is the date of the latest historical labor record in the database. However, if you have activated the Resource Planning module but not the Accounting module, then your system administrator can specify a different date for JTD in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.

For a WBS row at the project level, this column displays the sum of the resource's ETC hours for all assignments for that project.

For a resource row, this column displays the sum of the resource's ETC hours for all WBS assignments.

EAC Hours This column displays the estimate-at-completion hours for the resource or WBS element: JTD hours +ETC hours.

Note that reports in Resource Management show hours, but no cost or bill amounts for those hours. If you want to view cost and bill amounts associated with the hours on planning reports, use the Resource Planning reports available in the DPS desktop application.

Other Columns

These additional standard columns are available for the report. Click above the upper-right corner of the report to add or remove columns.

Field Description
Assignment Level For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the name of the assignment-level WBS element.
Assignment Level ID For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the ID of the assignment-level WBS element.
Booking If you are using the hard/soft booking feature, this column displays the booking status for each resource or WBS row: Hard (hard booked), Soft (soft booked), or Blend (the row includes both hard-booked and soft-booked assignments).
Forecast Range If you select this column, the report displays calendar period columns based on the forecast range. Those columns can contain assignment planned hours, actual hours, scheduled percentage, and utilization percentage by calendar period. Filter based on the Capacity report column to select which of these types of data you want on the report.
Organization ID If you have implemented organizations in DPS, this column displays the ID for the organization to which the resource is assigned.

Keep in mind that the availability of the Organization ID and Organization Name columns and their levels depend upon the type of organization structure your enterprise has set up. For example, if your enterprise:

  • Has set up a variable organization structure, the Organization Name or Organization ID columns are available.
  • Has set up a fixed organization structure, the Organization Name column and each of its organization levels are available.
  • Has no organization structure, the Organization ID and Organization Name are not available.
Organization Name If you have implemented organizations in DPS, this column displays the name of the organization to which the resource is assigned.
Plan End For a WBS row, this column displays the plan end date for the WBS element.
Plan Start For a WBS row, this column displays the plan start date for the WBS element.
Project Manager For a project-level row, this column displays the name of the project manager assigned to the project.
Project Type For project-level row, this column displays the type of project that indicates whether the project is a regular, overhead, or promotional project.
Range Available Hours

For an employee resource row, this column displays the employee's available hours for the forecast range: Number of working days in the range x Employee's hours per day.

This column is blank for generic resources.

Range ETC Hours

For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the resource's ETC hours for that assignment for the forecast range. The ETC hours are planned hours for dates in the forecast range that are later than the JTD date. (Generally, the JTD date is the date of the latest historical labor record in the database, but your system administrator can specify a different date.)

For a WBS row at the project level, this column displays the sum of the resource's ETC hours for all assignments for that project for the forecast range.

For a resource row, this column displays the sum of the resource's ETC hours for all WBS assignments for the forecast range.

Range Planned Hours

For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the sum of theproject's planned hours for that assignment for the forecast range.

For a WBS row at the project level, this column displays the sum of the resource's planned hours for all assignments for that project for the forecast range.

For a resource row, this column displays the sum of the project's planned hours for all WBS assignment rows for the forecast range.

Resource ID For a resource row, this column displays either the employee number or the generic resource code, depending on the type of resource.
Resource Name For a resource row, this column displays the name of the resource.
Resource Type For a resource row, this column displays the type of the resource.
Scheduled %

For an employee resource row, this column displays the percent scheduled: Planned hours for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range.

Scheduled hours are planned hours for overhead projects, promotional projects, regular Won projects, and regular In Pursuit projects that meet the criteria for inclusion in the percentage calculation that are specified on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings).

This column is blank for generic resources.

Supervisor For an employee resource row, this column displays the name of the employee's supervisor.
Top Project ID For a WBS row, this column displays the project ID.
Top Project Name For a WBS row, this column displays the name of the project.
Total Planned Hours

For an assignment-level WBS row, this column displays the sum of the resource's planned hours for that assignment for the period from the assignment start date through the assignment end date.

For a WBS row at the project level, this column displays the sum of the resource's planned hours for all assignments for that project.

For a resource row, this column displays the sum of the resource's planned hours for all WBS assignments.