Get Contact Metadata

The contact metadata provides a summary of every field in the database for a contact record, including the name, data type, default value, maximum length, and whether it is a required field.

To get the contact metadata:

Execute a GET command on the endpoint {{url}}/metadata/contact/. For information about the database records that return, see Metadata.

For example, here is what the request looks like using the cURL command line tool:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/metadata/contact/' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'
Here is an example of the metadata for three fields in the database record for a contact, the ContactID, Salutation, and FirstName:
    "Contacts": {
        "Keys": "ContactID",
        "CustomTable": false,
        "TableName": "Contacts",
        "GridID": null,
        "Fields": [
                "FieldName": "ContactID",
                "FieldType": "String",
                "Caption": "ContactID",
                "DefaultValue": "[GUID]",
                "Hidden": false,
                "Required": false,
                "BaseRequired": false,
                "Updateable": true,
                "BaseUpdateable": true,
                "CustomField": false,
                "Searchable": false,
                "MaxLength": 32
                "FieldName": "Salutation",
                "FieldType": "Dropdown",
                "Caption": "Prefix",
                "DefaultValue": "",
                "Hidden": false,
                "Required": false,
                "BaseRequired": false,
                "Updateable": true,
                "BaseUpdateable": true,
                "CustomField": false,
                "Searchable": true,
                "MaxLength": 10, 
                "CodeTable": "CFGPrefix",
                "LimitToList": true
                "FieldName": "FirstName",
                "FieldType": "String",
                "Caption": "First",
                "DefaultValue": "",
                "Hidden": false,
                "Required": false,
                "BaseRequired": false
                "Updateable": true,
                "BaseUpdateable": true,
                "CustomField": false,
                "Searchable": true,
                "MaxLength": 25