Read (GET) Historical Labor Transaction

If projects exist to which employees have charged actual hours, use this API to read project labor transaction information (job-to-date (JTD) hours).

To get historical labor transaction data:

Execute a GET command on the endpoint {{url}}/historicallabor/<PKey>, where <PKey> is the record you want to read.

For example, here is a request submitted using cURL, which assumes the value of PKey:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://{{url}}/historicallabor/<PKey>' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
        "PKey": "241",
        "WBS1": "2000001.00",
        "WBS2": "01A",
        "WBS3": " ",
        "Employee": "00021",
        "RegHrs": 8,
        "OvtHrs": 0,
        "TransDate": "2005-04-07T00:00:00.000",
        "Period": 200504,
        "TransType": "TS",
        "EMOrg": "SF:EN",
        "PROrg": "BO:EN",
        "ChargeType": "R",
        "Name": "Walton, Robin",
        "SpecialOvtHrs": 0,
        "RegAmtProjectCurrency": 176,
        "OvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0,
        "SpecialOvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0,
        "BillExt": 352,
        "ProjectCost": "Y"

        "Period": 200304,
        "PKey": "5968",
        "WBS1": "1999007.00",
        "WBS2": " ",
        "WBS3": " ",
        "Employee": "00003",
        "TransType": "TS",
        "TransDate": "2003-04-10T00:00:00.000",
        "Name": "Cohen, Grace",
        "RegHrs": 5,
        "OvtHrs": 0,
        "BillExt": 625,
        "EMOrg": "BO:CO:00",
        "PROrg": "BO:BO:AR",
        "ChargeType": "R",
        "ProjectCost": "Y",
        "SpecialOvtHrs": 0,
        "RegAmtProjectCurrency": 275.5,
        "OvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0,
        "SpecialOvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0