Read (GET) Historical Labor Transactions
Use this API to read all labor transactions for project plans. This API is for customers with project planning.
To get all historical labor transactions:
Execute a GET command on the endpoint
For example, here is a request submitted using cURL,
curl --request GET \ --url 'https://{{url}}/historicalLabor/' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \ --header 'content-type: application/json'
The call returns one JSON structure like the following for each labor transaction.
{ "Period": 200705, "PKey": "6671", "WBS1": "2000002.03", "WBS2": "20B", "WBS3": " ", "Employee": "00101", "TransType": "TS", "TransDate": "2007-05-25T00:00:00.000", "Name": "Gray, Barbara", "RegHrs": 10, "OvtHrs": 0, "BillExt": 512.8, "EMOrg": "PR:00:BO:AR", "PROrg": "PR:00:BO:AR", "ChargeType": "R", "ProjectCost": "Y", "SpecialOvtHrs": 0, "RegAmtProjectCurrency": 241, "OvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0, "SpecialOvtAmtProjectCurrency": 0 }