Check for Duplicate Records

You can specify how you want the import process to handle a contact if it already exists in DPS.

To check for duplicate records:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Imports & Exports > Imports and select the area in which you want to import the record.
  2. On the Import from CSV dialog box, browse to the .CSV file that you want to import and click Next. Complete one of the following:
    • Select Do not import duplicate records if you do not want to import any information for a contact who already exists.
    • Select Update duplicate records if you want the import process to update fields in DPS for a contact who already exists in DPS. If a field in the existing record is blank or contains information that is different from information in the mapped field in the .CSV file, the field in the existing record is updated with the information from the .CSV file.
    The import process checks for an existing record. Duplicates are identified by matching on one of the following:
    • First name, last name, and firm
    • Preferred name, last name, and firm
    • Email address

    If one of the names and the firm match or if the email address matches, the record in the .CSV file is considered a duplicate.