Boilerplates Hub

Boilerplates are blocks of text that can be used repeatedly in proposals and other documents. Boilerplates are useful for describing project approach or firm history.

The Boilerplates hub allows you to create, format, and save these blocks of text for reuse by other team members. Because this information can be shared, your team can quickly access project approach information, graphics files, firm profiles, and narrative text that can be applied repeatedly to proposals. For example, you might have a firm history that you always include in a proposal in which the text and formatting are standardized. Creating this information in a boilerplate allows all team members to apply the text to their proposals, ensuring a consistent format and message across your firm.

Text that you create within a boilerplate is saved in a Rich Text Format (RTF). This allows you to copy and paste text from any standard Windows application into DPS text fields. Some Windows programs and Web pages have unique formatting and graphics options that DPS may not support. In these situations, you may have to reformat text that you copy and paste from other systems.