Delete a Boilerplate

You can delete a boilerplate record in the Boilerplate form. In cases where you determine that a boilerplate record was either created or duplicated by mistake, or that it no longer serves a purpose, you can delete it.

Your access rights determine whether or not you can delete a boilerplate.

To delete an existing boilerplate:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select Boilerplates.
  2. Use the search field above the boilerplate name to search for and select the boilerplate that you want to delete.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Delete. The Delete Boilerplates dialog box opens.
  4. Click Delete to remove the boilerplate from DPS A message appears at the top of the Boilerplates form that confirms the boilerplate was deleted.