Main Areas of Deltek for Professional Services

Get acquainted with the basic areas of DPS.

Area Description
Notification Center (browser) The Notification Center provides a central location for you to view notifications and take action on required action items.
My Stuff (browser) Use My Stuff to access your daily activities, including your calendar, timesheets, expense reports, and approval requests.
Dashboard (browser and desktop) The Dashboard is your "portal" into DPS, allowing you to create a personalized view of your business world.
Hubs (browser and desktop) The Hubs are where you enter and manage your business-related data, including basic information about activities, contacts, projects, employees, and firms.
Resource Management (browser) Resource Management is designed to guide resource and project managers in constructing and monitoring plans for opportunities and projects.
Billing (desktop) Billing lets you bill labor, expenses, fees, and units in all industry-standard formats. It also lets you process, modify, accept, and print invoices and generate billing-related reports.
Transaction Center (desktop) The Transaction Center is where you enter and post various types of transactions, including disbursements, expenses, invoices, and vouchers.
Accounting (desktop) Accounting is where you perform accounting processes, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting, and employee expense processing.
Human Resources (desktop) Human Resources is where you process payroll and benefit hours accruals, and maintain the ADP interface.
Purchasing (desktop) Purchasing allows your firm to automate its procurement processes for items, services and capital items.
Asset Management (desktop) Asset Management works with the Equipment hub to track and process depreciation or amortization for asset items that you capitalize.
Inventory (desktop) Inventory lets your firm manage and track all of its items, both inventory items and non-inventory items.
Reporting (desktop) Reporting offers you a wide range of reports that present information about all aspects of your business.
Utilities (browser and desktop) Utilities are maintenance activities that you use to keep your DPS implementation running optimally.
Settings (browser and desktop) Settings is where you make decisions about how you want DPS to work for your firm, including choosing the features and settings you want to use.