Marketing Campaigns Activities Tab

Use the Activities tab in the Marketing Campaigns hub to create and maintain lists of activities, milestones, and touchpoints for the marketing campaign.


Much of the information for DPS is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Activities Grid Use the Activities grid to schedule and manage meetings, phone calls, and other tasks. When you schedule an activity, the activity is added to the respective hub record and the calendar, depending on the type. Your system administrator uses the Activity List in Settings to control the types of activities that display on the Activities tabs in the hub records as well as those that display on the calendar. For example, an email may display in the Activity grid and Activity hub only but would not display in the calendar. However, phone calls and meetings would display on the calendar.

Click the + Add Activity link below the grid to open the Activity dialog box and add information for a new activity.

Except for the Notes, you cannot edit activity information directly on the Activities grid. To edit an activity in the grid, select the activity and click at the end of the row. Then select Edit. On the Activity dialog box, edit the activity.

To copy an activity in the Activities grid to create a new one, select the activity in the grid to copy. Click at the end of the row, and select Copy. On the Activity dialog box, change any of the prefilled fields from the copied activity to create the new activity.

When you copy a record, DPS creates a copy of the activity and also adds a Follow-up prefix (for example, Follow-up: Report Client Audit) to the name of the copied activity. If you prefer to save a new activity from the copied record instead of a follow-up activity for it, you can remove the Follow-up prefix, modify the field information, and rename the copied activity.

Copying a record automatically creates a Follow-up activity for the activity. DPS creates a copy of the activity record and also adds a Follow-up prefix (for example, Follow-up: Report Client Audit) to the name of the copied activity. If you prefer to create a new activity from the copied record, you can remove the Follow-up prefix, modify the field information, and rename the copied activity.

To delete an activity from the Activities grid, select the activity in the grid, click at the end of the row, and select Delete. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the activity from the hub record.

Date This column displays the activity's date and description. Click the date to open an info bubble that displays additional information about the activity. In the info bubble, click Open to open the activity in the Activities hub to see the activity's complete information.
Attendees This column lists the activity's attendees (employees or contacts). The primary contact and owner employee are bolded in the list.
Associations This column lists all other records that are associated with the activity and can include projects, marketing campaigns, contacts, and user-defined hubs.
Notes This column displays any additional information that has been entered for the activity. To add or change a note for an activity, click (if no notes exist for the element) or (if notes already exist) in the grid row and enter the text in the Notes dialog.