Create a Promotional Project from an Opportunity

You can create a promotional project directly from an opportunity. Typically, a promotional project tracks the time and expense for an opportunity before it becomes a project. This information helps the opportunity team understand the costs of pursuing an opportunity.

You must have the type of access rights that allow you to create projects. When you create a new project, DPS also creates an empty plan for that project using default settings, so you can immediately begin entering planned labor hours and planned expense and consultant amounts.

Additionally, access to the Accounting application is required in order to use the promotional project action option in the Opportunities hub. This action option appears only in Detail View; it is not visible in List View. You can only have one promotional project associated with an opportunity at any one time. If a promotional project is already associated with the opportunity, the Create Promotional Project option is disabled.

To create a promotional project from an opportunity:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select Opportunities.
  2. In Search, select a specific opportunity from the drop-down list. The Opportunities form displays details for the selected opportunity.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Actions > Create a Promotional Project. The Copy Project dialog box appears in the Project hub with the following pre-populated and default information.
    • New Project Number: Appears when autonumbering is enabled.
    • Short Name: Appends "Promotional" to the name of the opportunity, for example, Belmont High School - Promotional.
    • Charge Type: Displays promotional charge type by default. This option cannot be changed.
    • Create Project: Displays the default From Opportunity option. This option cannot be changed.
    • Opportunity: Displays the opportunity you selected to associate with the promotional project.
  4. Optionally, click the Copy Plan Structure and Move Assignments check box if you want to begin the process of copying the plan structure and moving assignments to the promotional project. A confirmation message prompts you to click either Copy Plan Structure and Move Assignments or Cancel.
  5. In the top right of the Copy Project dialog box, click Continue to complete this process. The New Project dialog box appears with the copied opportunity's field information. These defaults should be the same regardless of whether you create the project from the opportunity from within the Opportunities hub or within the Projects hub.

    Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the Create Project dialog box where you can either uncheck the Copy Plan Structure and Move Assignments check box or cancel the creation of the promotional project altogether.