Contents of the Close Opportunity Dialog Box

Use these fields to close an opportunity.


Field Description
Stage Click this option to choose a pipeline stage for the opportunity. The selection list only includes stages that are designated as stages for closed opportunities.
Date Closed This field is autopopulated with today's date. If the date in is not the date you want to associate with the close action, you can type the date, or click and select it from the calendar.
Reason On this field, click to select the reason that you are closing the opportunity.
Closed Notes Enter any additional information related to closing the opportunity. Click in the upper-right corner of the text field to display or hide the toolbars that provide editing and formatting options.
Create Project from an Opportunity Click this checkbox if you want to create a project from the opportunity. When you click Save, the Copy Project dialog box appears in the Project hub with defaulted information from the closed opportunity when you click .
Save Click to close the opportunity.

When you close an opportunity that has resource assignments, DPS displays a message that recommends that you either move those assignments to the project, if you were awarded the contract, or delete the assignments. That message includes a link that displays the opportunity's resource plan in Project View so you can either move or delete the assignments.