Qualify a Contact

If a contact is interested and meets your firm's business criteria for the sales cycle, you can qualify the contact and make it available for pursuit. A contact must be qualified to associate it to a firm, opportunity, or project.

To qualify a contact:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select Contacts.
  2. Use the search field above the contact name to search for and select the contact that you want to qualify. You can also use the Active Leads search to quickly find the contact
  3. Locate the Qualified Status field on the Summary pane, or use the Actions bar and click Other Actions > Qualify Contact. As you work with a contact and your relationship evolves, you can change the contact's status to match the process status.
  4. Select Qualified as the Status.
  5. On the Qualify Contact dialog box, click Qualify Contact. The contact is qualified and the Qualified Status field on the Summary pane updates to display Qualified. You can change this status if the contact moves to another phase in the process.
  6. Select Create New Opportunity. The Add Opportunity dialog box displays. This dialog box includes several fields with data that is automatically populated from the lead record. You can edit these fields as needed.

    If the contact was previously qualified and associated with an opportunity, you cannot create a new opportunity for the contact.

    • The opportunity is associated with the contact.
    • If a firm was also created, the opportunity is associated to the firm as the primary client.
    • If a marketing campaign was selected, the opportunity is associated to the marketing campaign.
  7. On the Qualify Contact dialog box, select the Marketing Campaign that you want to associate with the contact. This associates the marketing campaign with the selected contact.
  8. Click Done to save your changes.
    If you entered the name of a firm when you created the new contact, DPS asks if you'd like to create a new firm record. prompts you to create a new firm record. If you choose not to create a new firm record, you will lose the firm's information.
  9. Click Create New Firm. The Add Firm dialog box displays. This dialog box includes several fields with data that is automatically populated from the firm's information that you entered on new contact record record. You can edit these fields as needed.

    If a marketing campaign was selected, the firm is also associated to the marketing campaign.