Contents of the Add Firm Dialog Box

Use the Add Firm dialog box to add a new firm record when you qualify a contact.


Field Description
Firm ID

When you add a firm, If automatic numbering is enabled in Configuration and you leave this field blank, DPS automatically assigns the firm ID in this field when you save. If DPS is configured to allow you to override the automatic numbering for firms, then you can enter an ID rather than having one assigned.

If automatic numbering is not enabled, enter an ID for the firm.

If you edit a firm that is set up as a client in DPS and automatic numbering override is allowed, you can change the ID. If you are editing a firm that is only set up as a vendor, this field displays the ID but you cannot change it.

Available To Use these options to determine the roles that can access the firm records.
  • CRM Users - Select this option to allow CRM users to open and review the project record. DPS selects this option by default when you add a new project record. You can select or clear this option at any time. This option displays if you use both DPS CRM and DPS Accounting.
  • Accounting Users - Select this option to allow Accounting users to open and review the project record. DPS selects this option by default when you add a new project record. You can select this option at any time. However, you can clear this option only if the Approved for use in processing option is not selected. If this option is selected when you save a new project record, DPS prompts you to enter required information on the Accounting tab. You must enter the required information before you can save the record.

    This option displays if you use both DPS CRM and DPS Accounting


Enter the name of the firm.

When you move the focus from this field, DPS compares the name to existing firm names and aliases. If it detects possible matches, it displays a list of those firms so you can determine if you are adding a duplicate record. If you are still not sure, you can click the firm name in the list to display the full company record on a separate browser tab.


Select the primary general market in which the firm participates, such as Commercial, Health Care, or Federal Government.


Enter a description of the firm. Click to display toolbars that provide editing and formatting options.

This field is not available if the firm is set up as a vendor.


Select the check box for each type of role that applies to the firm: Client, Vendor, Government Agency, Competitor).

If a client firm is associated with an opportunity or other records as a client, you cannot clear the Client check box.


If you commonly refer to a firm by an abbreviated version of the legal name or an acronym for the name, or if there are alternate spellings of the name, enter those in this field. For example, Brownstone Technology Systems may also be known as Brownstone Tech or BTS. When you search for the firm in a search field, DPS automatically includes both firm names and firm aliases in the search.

After you enter each alias, press ENTER so that each alias is on a separate line.

Employees Enter the number of employees in the firm.
Annual Revenue Enter the firm's annual revenue amount.
Status Click and select the firm's status: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.

Click and select the firm's relationship with your firm. For example, for a client firm, the field might contain Existing or Former.

This field is not available if the firm is set up as a vendor.

Specialty Select the type of service or product in which the firm specializes. Type one or more characters from the specialty to select from a list of specialties that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of specialties.
Specialty Notes If the firm has multiple specialties or if you want to include additional details about the firm's specialty, enter that information in this field. Click to display toolbars that provide editing and formatting options.
Socioeconomic Status If the firm is eligible for any of the business development programs for small and minority-owned businesses, select all check boxes that apply.
Prior Work Click and select Yes in this field if the firm has been involved in prior work that your firm has done.

Enter the URL for the firm's Web site. The URL then displays as a link to the Web site on the left side of the Firms area. If you do not enter the protocol (http:// or https://) as part of the URL,DPS automatically adds http:// to the URL.

Primary Address

Enter the street address or other address information for the firm's primary location. Click + Add Address Line below the field if you need an additional address field.

City Enter the city for the firm's primary location.

Select the state or province for the firm's primary location. Type one or more characters from the state or province to select from a list of states or provinces that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of states or provinces.

If the drop-down list is empty, make sure the correct country is selected in Country. If it is, then no states or provinces have been defined for the country.

ZIP Enter the ZIP code or other postal code for the firm's primary location.

Select the country for the firm's primary location. Type one or more characters from the country to select from a list of countries that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of countries.

Phone Enter the phone number for the firm's primary location.
Display Name By default, the address is identified as <city>, <state/province>. If you want to use a different name for the address (for example, Corp. Headquarters), enter that name in this field.

Other Locations

Use the sets of location fields under Other Locations to enter the addresses, phone numbers, and FAX numbers for other firm locations.

If you need to enter more than two other locations, click + Add Address to display another set of location fields. You can add as many locations as you need.

If you later need to remove an address, hover over the address to display X to the right of the first address line, and click X. To delete the primary address, either manually replace the old primary address information with the new primary address information, or select Make primary for another address to make it the primary address, save that change, and then delete the old primary address, as described in the previous sentence.

Field Description

Enter the street address or other address information for the location.

Click + Add Address Line below the field if you need an additional address field.

Make primary

Select this check box if you want this address to be the primary address for the firm. This check box is only available on the Edit Firm form; it is not displayed when you add a new firm. When you save, the address displays as the primary address, and the previous primary address displays as an "other" firm location.

City Enter the city for the location.

Select the state or province for the location. Type one or more characters from the state or province to select from a list of states or provinces that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of states or provinces.

If the drop-down list is empty, make sure the correct country is selected in Country. If it is, then no states or provinces have been defined for the country.

ZIP Enter the ZIP code or other postal code for the location.

Select the country for the location. Type one or more characters from the country to select from a list of countries that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of countries.

Phone Enter the phone number for the location.
Fax Enter the FAX number for the location.
Display Name By default, the address is identified as <city>, <state/province>. If you want to use a different name for the address (for example, South Region Office), enter that name in this field.