Use European Tax Validation with a Firm Record

When DPS is configured to use the vatlayer API validation service, you can ensure that valid tax registration numbers are entered for firms in the European Union. These options enable the DPS API to validate the firm's tax registration number with the Belgian VAT Desk.

This setup process works directly with the Tax Registration Fields in the Firms hub for vendor firms. When you specify the Vatlayer Registration information, each address of the firm record that is in an EU country will have an option to validate the tax registration number associated to that address.

To use European Tax Validation:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Integrations > VAT Registration.
  2. Enter the VAT API KEY. This is the access key that is required to validate the firms tax registration numbers with the European Union Value Added Tax system. This key is saved in DPS and used to make validation calls.

    This enables the Tax Registration Number option on an address in the Firms hub, which allows the user to enter a Tax Registration Number and Tax Country for each firm address that is entered in the Firms Hub. In addition, the user can choose to click the Validate Tax Registration Number option to validate the firm's tax registration number with the Belgian VAT Desk. If invalid, DPS displays an error message alerting the user of the issue.


    If you receive an error message and click the link, you leave the DPS application and enter a third party Web site. You enter the third party Web site at your own risk. Deltek is not responsible for your entrance into the third party Web site or use of the services offered therein.