Firm Searches

When you search for a firm record, the firms that display depend on the application in which you are searching and the type of role that is performing the search.

For example, when you are working in Reporting on Role Security and search for a firm, all firms are available in the search, regardless of Firm Type. If you are searching in Invoice Review, though, the only firm results would include firms with a Firm Type of Client.

These constraints on firm types when searching ensure that you have access to the appropriate data for each application.

Firm Records Application
All firm records (all firm types are included)
  • Firm Reporting
  • Settings (Desktop) > Security > Roles > Record Access
  • Workflow
  • Search and Replace
  • Utilities > Combine Firms
Firm Type is Vendor
  • AP Reporting
  • Cash Management > Payment Review
  • Settings > Resource Planning > Alerts > Budget Milestone Alert
  • Settings > Rate Tables > Billing Expense and click +Add a Vendor
  • Voucher Review
  • Purchasing
  • Voucher Entry
  • Payment Processing
Firm Type is Client
  • Hubs > Projects > Billing Client
  • Hubs > Projects > Billing Client
  • AR Reporting
  • Invoice Review
  • Billing
Firm Type is Competitor
  • Firm Hub
Firm Type is Government Agency