Firms Our Team Tab

Use the Our Team tab in the Firms area to create and maintain a list of your employees who are associated with a firm and to describe their relationships to that firm.


Much of the information for DPS is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Our Team Grid

This grid displays the employees from your firm who are associated with the firm. To add another employee, click + Add Team Member below the grid.

Employees are sorted by status, to display all active employees at the beginning of the list, and then by name.

To copy or delete a team member on the grid, click , and select the desired option.

Name This field displays the employee's name.

Click the name to display a tooltip containing employee information: job title, location, phone numbers, email address. (If the row is in edit mode, you cannot display the tooltip. In that case, click anywhere outside the row to take it out of edit mode and then click the name.)

To add another employee to the team, click + Add Team Member below the grid to display an empty row, and select the employee in Name. Click to select the employee from the full list, or type one or more characters from the employee name (first, preferred, middle, or last) in the Name field to select from a list of employee names that contain those characters. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)


This column displays the status of each of the employee: Active, Inactive, or Terminated. You can change the employee's status on the Summary Pane in the Employees hub. The status determines whether certain employee -related transactions can be completed for this employee.

Title This column displays the employee's job title. You cannot change an employee's job title here but must have appropriate security rights to do so in the Employees hub.

This field displays the employee's relationship to the firm (for example, Contract Manager).

To select a relationship, click and select it from the list.

Relationship Description Use this field to enter additional details about the employee's relationship to the firm. Click to open the text editor and enter detailed information.
Work Phone This field displays the employee's work phone number. You can change the employee's phone number in the Employees hub if you have the appropriate security rights.
+ Add Team Member To add another employee as a team member for the firm, click this link to add a blank row to the grid, and select the employee in Name.