Filter the Grid Results

When there are a large number of records in a grid, you can filter the results to further refine the records that display.

To filter the rows in a grid:

  1. Click above the upper-right corner of the grid.
  2. To filter the grid based on values in one or more columns, do the following for each of those columns:
    • If the blank filter field above the column has an operator drop-down list, select an operator (for example, = Equals or { } Empty).
    • In the blank field, enter or select a filter value.
    The grid updates to display the records that fit the criteria that you enter.
  3. To hide all filter fields, click above the upper-right corner of the grid. The filter remains in effect while hidden.

    To remove filter criteria for a column, click next to the column heading, or blank out the filter field.

Unless you remove the filter criteria, the filter remains in effect as long as you are in that DPS application. However, if you leave the application to go elsewhere in DPS and then return, the filter is no longer in effect.