Project View Actions Bar

Use the Actions bar on the Project View form to check in plans.


Field Description
Check In Plans Select this option to display the Check In Plans dialog box and check in one or more of the plans that are currently checked out.

When you select a WBS row in the grid, the project's entire plan is automatically checked out to you. While it is checked out, other users can view it but cannot make changes to it until it is checked back in. DPS automatically checks in plans when you select a different project, navigate to another part of DPS, log out of DPS, navigate to a different URL, use the browser's Refresh option, or close the browser. However, there may be situations in which you must use this option to manually check in plans.

Open in Opportunities View This option is available only if you own Resource Planning. Select this option to create or edit the plan structure for the opportunity in Resource Management/Opportunity Plan Structure that is used when planning the opportunity. The opportunity plan structure can later be used for creating the project if awarded.