Contents of the Choose Project Structure Form

Use the fields and options on the Choose Project Structure form to add phases and tasks to a new project.


The project structure grid contains one row for each available phase or task in the WBS you are copying. The grid uses indentation to show the parent-child relationship between the phases and tasks. Use the check boxes in the first column of the grid to specify which phases and tasks you want to include in the new project.

Field Description
Phase To expand the project structure, click on a phase to show the associated tasks. By default, the check boxes for all phases and tasks are selected. Deselect the check boxes for the phases and tasks you do not want to copy to the new project. Deselecting a phase also deselects that phase's associated tasks
Name This field displays the name of the phase or task.
Continue Click the Continue button to save your changes to the project and display the Edit Project Structure form.