Contents of the Copy Phase Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on the dialog box to copy a phase.

The Copy Phase dialog box is available only when you are viewing a project at the project or phase level of the work breakdown structure (WBS)


Field Description
Copy Click this button to create the new phase. DPS displays the Edit Project Structure form. There, you can edit fields for multiple WBS levels at the same time, as well as add and remove phases and tasks:
  • The new phase is highlighted and is the last line of the Edit Project Structure form.
  • All phases are collapsed except for the new phase.
  • The new phase is expanded if it has tasks.
  • The new phase number is blank and required.
  • If the new phase has tasks, all of the new tasks retain the task numbers of the copied tasks.

When you create the new phase, DPS copies all data from the existing phase to the new phase, except the following:

  • linked opportunities
  • linked promotional projects
  • linked projects
  • activities
  • project codes
  • descriptions
  • dates and costs
  • location
  • attachments
  • team employees (their status in the new project is proposed)
  • team employees start and end dates
  • team vendors (their status in the new project is proposed)
  • Contract Management tab data
  • contracts
  • contract details
  • notes
  • credit
  • awards grid data
  • links