Security for Project Plans

Your ability to view and edit project plans is determined by the access defined for your security role.

If you have the necessary access to view a plan, you can view planning assignments for all parts of the work breakdown structure (WBS). If you have update access to a plan, you can make changes to assignments for all parts of the WBS. While you are not restricted based on the WBS, however, you may have restrictions on the types of data you can view or update.

View and Update Access

Your system administrator uses settings on the Record Access tab of the Roles form in the Desktop application to indicate if you can add and modify plans, only modify plans, and view plans. They can also use that tab to restrict your access to a specified set of project plans.

Access to Planning Tabs and Reports

Access to the individual planning tabs in the Projects hub in the Browser application and access to individual planning reports in the Desktop application are controlled by settings on the for your security role on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form in the Desktop application.

Access to Labor Cost Data

Access to planned and actual labor cost rates and amounts, and to values resulting from calculations that involve labor cost rates and amounts, depends on these two settings for your security role on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles) in the Desktop application:
  • Labor Cost Rates/Amounts
  • Include cost amounts in spent and profit calculations

Access can range from full access at the resource level and all levels of the WBS to no access to any values related to labor cost. If you do not have the access necessary to view a field that contains a value related to labor cost, that field displays ***.

If you have questions about your access rights to labor cost rates and amounts, contact your system administrator.

Access to Employees

Whether or not you can add employee assignments and generic resource assignments to plans is based on the Employee Assignment setting and Generic Assignment settings on the Record Access tab of the Roles form in the Desktop application. Using those settings, the system administrator can also specify the set of employees or generic resources that you are authorized to add to plans.

Access to Planning Actions

Your ability to perform the following actions are determined by settings for your security role on the Planning tab of the Roles form in the Desktop application:
  • Save baseline plans
  • Change overhead percentages in the Plan Settings dialog box
  • Change budget types in the Plan Settings dialog box
  • Change rate methods and rate tables in the Plan Settings dialog box
  • Change resource, expense type, and consultant type assignments
  • Hard book planned hours