Expenses Tab of the Plan Settings Dialog Box

If planning is enabled for expenses, use the Expenses tab on the Plan Settings dialog box to specify the planning level and the billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers for expenses.

Contents: General

Field Description
Planning Level
Use this drop-down list to select the planning level at which you will plan expenses for the project:
  • Plan Level 1, Plan Level 2,...: Plan expenses at the specific level you select. Lower numbers are higher in the plan structure. For example, for a project plan, level 1 corresponds to the project level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). If the plan structure has branches that do not extend down to the selected level, you can plan expenses at the lowest levels in those branches.
  • Lowest Level: Plan expenses at the lowest level of each branch of the plan structure. For example, if the lowest level is level 2 for one branch and level 3 for another, you enter expense plan data for the first branch at level 2 and for the second branch at level 3.

If you later change the planning level and planned expenses exist at a level lower than the new planning level, DPS notifies you that those planned expenses must be removed before the change can occur.

Contents: Reimb. Expense Billing Markup

Use these fields to define the settings for reimbursable expense planned amounts on Regular projects.

If you select Cost in Budget Type on the General tab of this dialog box, or the Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option is selected on the Accounting System Settings form in the DPS desktop application and the project currency is not the same as the billing currency, Billing Rate Method automatically defaults to None and Expense Rate Method, Rate Table, Recalculate Planned Billing, and Billing Multiplier fields are display-only.

Field Description
Recalculate Planned Billing Under normal circumstances, you never need to select this check box. When you save settings for a plan, all plan assignments are automatically recalculated based on the current settings.

The exception is if the plan was converted from iAccess to DPS. Converted assignments may have rate information that was saved for specific calendar periods while in iAccess. Following conversion, those plan amounts, by default, are not automatically recalculated when you save plan settings in DPS. If you want all planned reimbursable expense billing amounts in the plan to be recalculated automatically, select this check box and then save the plan settings. You only need to do this once; from that point forward the reimbursable expense billing amounts will be recalculated automatically each time you save settings.

Expenses Rate Method Select one of the following as the expense billing rate method for the plan:
  • Multiplier Only: Use a multiplier without a rate table: Planned cost x Billing multiplier.
  • From Account Rate Table: Use the rate for the expense account from an expense account rate table. If no rate is found, use Planned cost x Billing multiplier.
  • From Category Rate Table: Use the rate for the expense category from an expense category rate table. If no rate is found, use Planned cost x Billing multiplier.
  • None: The planned billing amount is set to the planned cost.
Rate Table

If you selected an expense billing rate method other than Multiplier Only or None, select an expense billing rate table for the plan.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the rate method you selected (expense account tables or expense category tables) and that are marked as available for planning.

Billing Multiplier

If you selected Multiplier Only in Expenses Rate Method, enter a multiplier for calculating billing amounts for reimbursable expenses (1.2500, for example). If you selected From Account Rate Table or From Category Rate Table in Expenses Rate Method, enter a multiplier to use for calculating billing amounts if the specified rate table does not include a rate for the expense account or expense category.

Contents: Direct Expenses

Field Description
Direct Expenses: Billing Multiplier The multiplier is displayed for informational purposes only on Regular projects. The value is always 1.0000 and cannot be changed. The planned cost and planned bill amounts for direct expenses are always the same.

Contents: Indirect Expenses

Field Description
Indirect Expenses: Billing Multiplier The multiplier is displayed for informational purposes only on Overhead and Promotional projects. The value is always 1.0000 and cannot be changed.